“So neither- he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plans and he who waters are equal, and each shall receive his wages according to his labour. For we are God ‘8fellow workers; you are God ‘8field, God’s building.“ 1 Cor. 3: 7 – 9.
The building of the Sakumono Estates as a response to the high demand for residential accommodation and its commissioning in June 1989 saw a number of people moving into the estates originally referred to as 'Affordable Estates? By late 1990, the population had increased considerably.
The growth in the population of the Estate gave rise to the need for the establishment of churches by the various Christian denominations to overcome the problem of travelling to Accra and Tema for the purpose of worship. The Presbyterians were not left out in this regard.
A group of Presbyterians namely Mrs Shormeh Gyamfi-Aidoo, Mr. Isaac Akesseh and Mr. Seth Terkper got together and convened a meeting of all Presbyterians in the estates. The meeting was held on the evening of December 29, 1990, in the Sakumono Estates Managers office. A total of 25 persons attended many of whom are still in the congregation today. There was complete agreement among them on the need to form a local church.
To this end the following persons volunteered to constitute a planning committee to plan the establishment of the church, they were Mr. W.I.K Dorcoo, Mrs Monica A. Otoo, Mrs. Shonneh Gyamfi-Aidoo, Mr. G. S. Klufio, Mr. Seth Terkper and Mr. Isaac Akesseh. The meeting also agreed that until the work of the planning committee was over, Bible Study and prayer meetings would be held to keep members together. The committee made contact with Mr. S.K. Otu-Masi, a Catechist of Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church, Tema, who had also moved into the estates, to provide leadership, Accordingly, Mr. Otu-Masi led the first Bible Study and prayer meeting of the Group on January 8, 1991. Subsequently, Bible study and prayer meetings were held weekly on every Tuesday and this continued well after the commencement of forenoon church services.
Through the efforts of Catechist Otu-Masi, the planning committee made contact and established a working relationship with Rev. Jonathan Ayitey Mensah and the Session of the Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church, Community 2, Tema, As a result, the Session of that congregation offered guidance and subsequently donated five wooden benches to enable the commencement of the first forenoon church service. Additional ten benches that the planning committee contracted, and few more chairs collected from the house and shop of Mad. Mavis Gordor (Lommava) complemented these benches.
The first forenoon church service was held on Sunday February 17, 1991, in one of the classrooms of the Day Nursery Complex (now Bethel Day Nursery). The number of worshippers for the day was sixty-four (64) including children. The sermon for the day was delivered by Catechist Otu-Masi and the Scripture passages were read in English, Twi and Ga.
The growth of the congregation was phenomenal. By the third forenoon service the number of worshippers had jumped to seventy-two (72). This number continued to increase weekly. The congregation had its first visit by a Reverend Minister on Sunday March 10, 1991. Rev. Jonathan A. Mensah of Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church gave the message that day.
The Minister and Session of Prince of Peace Church formally released Catechist Otu- . Masi on full-time basis to the congregation on May 7, 1991. With the consent of the congregation the planning committee was also enlarged and constituted into an Interim Management Committee (IMC), with the inclusion of the following members: Mr. Ernest Armah, Mr. Edward Ashiley, Mrs.Vida Ofosuhene, Mr. Kwabena Otu Danquah, Mad. Mavis Gorder and Mrs Eugenia Bampo-Akuffo.
On the eve of Good Friday, on Thursday March 28, 1991, members attending the Passion week evening service found that the Church had been locked out of the Nursery premises and its benches thrown outside. A member of the IMC. Mr. W.I.K. Dorcoo, then offered his compound at House number C 13/A/C32 to be used as a place of worship that evening under a canopy he has erected for his own domestic use, Church activities continued at this compound for quite a long time.
The first Holy Communion service was conducted on Good Friday March 29, 1991. It was officiated by Rev. Jonathan A. Mensah assisted by Rev. Owusu Sarpong who was then on attachment to the Prince of Peace Church. Rev. Mensah also carried out the first baptism on Sunday July 28, 1991. Fifteen children were baptized on that day.
The members desired to give a name to the congregation before its inauguration. After much prayer, it chooses the name 'PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HOPE' from among a list of names suggested by the members themselves. This was done through secret ballot during the forenoon service on October 27, 1991. Prof D. Nortey, a lay preacher and friend of the young congregation, who preached the sermon on that day, supervised the selection.
On the first anniversary of the church on February 18, 1992, it was inaugurated at a colourful ceremony. This was conducted by the then Ga Presbytery Chairman, Rev. Dr. B. Y. Quarshie. Rev. Ayitey Mensah the then Presbytery Clerk and other Ministers assisted him. The first Session of the congregation comprising twelve Presbyters was also commissioned and inducted into office.
The difficulties and inconvenience faced in securing a stable and permanent place of worship led the church to intensify its efforts to acquire land for the building of a befitting temple to the glory of God. While the church pursued private arrangements to acquire a plot, it also worked together with other churches in the Estates under the umbrella of the local council of churches to lobby the Tema Development Corporation (TDC) for the release of land for the purpose.
The prayers were answered and the TDC allocated a parcel of land for five churches in the estates. This parcel of land was later found to be too small for the five congregations. After some appeals to the roc, they agreed to graciously allocate another parcel of land in another location to supplement. The five churches decided to ballot for these plots. The church by the Grace of God selected the parcel of land where the chapel building currently stands. Acquisition formalities were completed and the right to enter the land was given by the TDC in August 1993.
The Church established evangelism work as one of its main tools. The Bible Study and prayer meeting that was began at the initial stages of the formation of tile congregation was consolidated into a group spearheaded by Mrs. Vida Ofosuhene and Mrs. Monica Otoo and other members who later joined their ranks. The group engaged in door to door evangelism within the estates and later extended their exploits beyond the fringes of the estates, These efforts were largely successful and had the effect of publicizing the existence of the congregation in the estates. This drew in quite a number of new members and Presbyterians who had moved into the estates.
In 1992 the Church opened a children's Service point at Lashibi for the children of the increasing number of worshippers from that area to forestall the problem of transporting these children, whose number had grown to about 25, to the estates fur worship. It was the aim of the church to use the children’s service as a focal point for the establishment of a preaching point. Under the co-ordination of Mrs. Eugenia Bampo-Akuffo and Mrs. Vida Ofosuhene, Mad. Beatrice Amanartey was trained to handle these children with support from the other children's Service teachers. On account of proximity the Ashiaman Central Presbyterian Church n~ for the release of the group to them in 1994.
In 1992 the Church opened a children's Service point at Lashibi for the children of the increasing number of worshippers from that area to forestall the problem of transporting these children, whose number had grown to about 25, to the estates fur worship. It was the aim of the church to use the children’s service as a focal point for the establishment of a preaching point. Under the co-ordination of Mrs. Eugenia Bampo-Akuffo and Mrs. Vida Ofosuhene, Mad. Beatrice Amanartey was trained to handle these children with support from the other children's Service teachers. On account of proximity the Ashiaman Central Presbyterian Church n~ for the release of the group to them in 1994.
This narration would not be complete without the mention of the efforts of the Pastors and Agent who have served at the station in being instrumental fur this pace of growth. Special mention can be made of the Current dynamic Minister Rev. Erasmus Odonkor.
The church was right from inception placed under the Tema Community Two District. This stirred some controversy with the Nungua District protesting to the church hierarchy that it should have been placed under Nungua since the church is located on Nungua land. The congregation left this issue ill the hands of the Presbyterian Church hierarchy. In the end the congregation was left under Tema Community 2 District. Initial spiritual leadership was provided by Catechist Otu-Masi with the then Tema Community 2. District Minister Rev. Ayitey Mensah providing pastoral oversight.
During the past 10 years two Ministers have had Pastoral charge of the congregation. They are Rev. Kennedy Obiri Annor; November 1992 - August 1994 and Rev. Erasmus N. B. Odonkor; September 1994 - to date.
During the period the church has had visits by a number of guest preachers both Ministers and laity from. the Presbyterian Church and from other sister Christian community to share the Word of God and Wed the congregation spiritually. On the occasion of our l0th anniversary we extend our appreciation to them all for their efforts and contribution to the spiritual growth of our congregation.
We say Ebenezer for thus far the Lord has brought us and we are immensely grateful to the Lord Almighty. Our prayer is that the Lord will grow his church from glory to glory.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Rosque gravida tempor aliquam velit
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Advancing Regime's Domestic and Foreign
We are a church that belives in Jesus christ and the followers and We are a church that belives in Jesus christ
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