HMPLUS Microfinance Company Ltd - PCG Hope Congregation
Hope of Purposeful Encounter

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We offer you the best ....
The HMPLUS Microfinance Company Ltd is a microfinance company registered with the Registrar Generals Department and has been in operation since 2009. It is also a full member of the Ghana Association of Microfinance Companies. The primary business of HM Plus is to provide an array of financial services to businesses and individuals at the small to medium level as well as other financially and socially excluded members of society. In reaching that goal, we combine our core business of deposit mobilization, credit delivery, advisory service, investment opportunities to build long lasting mutually beneficial relationships.
Corporate Vision:
Redefining Micro Financing Through Fast, Efficient And Respectful Delivery Of Services Whiles Being Dedicated To Protecting The Interest Of Stakeholders.
Corporate Mission
To Offer High Quality Financial Service to the Communities in an Efficient and Competitive Manner through a Value Oriented Workforce Dedicated To Enhancing Shareholders Value
Our Products and Services includes:
- Savings
- Investments
- Loans
- Advisory services
- Logistics
With a team of dedicated, intelligent and professional people, we have been able to
- create financial solutions to customers
- disburse over 500 loans to customers
- revive SMEs and private entrepreneurs
- Supported the Church in acquiring assets
- Helped customers to acquire personal assets
- Provided a secured and affordable means for wealth creation.
Core Values
- God Centered: The most important value and foundation of our institution is GOD. Our strategic direction is heavily influenced by divine wisdom and direction. Thus, the success of the company is not the doing of man but the ‘doing of the LORD’.
- Quality of Service: Ensuring that services are delivered in a convenient and timely manner by adopting and maintaining high professional standards based on honesty, equality and dedication to service.
- Integrity: We strive to provide our services in a manner that is ethical, dignified, transparent, equitable and cost effective.
- Transparency: We strive to provide customers complete and accurate information about products and services in a manner that is understandable to all.
- Fair Practices: We ensure that customers are protected against fraud and misrepresentation, deception and unethical practices. Customers dignity will be respected at all times with reasonable pursuit and recovery of loans.
- Privacy of Customer Information: We shall safeguard personal information of customers unless authorised to do so.
Kiddie Save
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We prefer to use natural, eco-friendly materials. smod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
We prefer to use natural, eco-friendly materials. smod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Advisory services
We prefer to use natural, eco-friendly materials. smod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.